
Martin Newman's Roadmap to Customer Centricity

Martin Newman
Martin Newman
Martin Newman is a leading expert in customer centricity with over 40 years of experience. Known as "The Consumer Champion," he advises top brands, founded The Customer First Group, and offers transformative insights through his Mini MBA in Customer Centricity.

Customer-centricity means treating customers as the main focus of your business, not just providing good service but reshaping everything around their needs and preferences. It's about prioritising each customer's experience and making them feel valued and important, rather than just another transaction in a queue.

Key Elements of Customer Centricity:

  • Happy employees create happy customers
  • Solving problems, not just selling products
  • Building emotional connections with customers
  • Using data to understand customers better
  • Everyone in the company plays a part

Customer centricity is about creating a business that revolves around customer needs, from top to bottom.

Example: Amazon's "Customer Obsession" principle guides all their decisions, from their easy return policy to their personalised product recommendations.

Evolution of Customer-Centricity

Businesses have come a long way in how they treat customers:

Product-Centric Era (1950s-1960s):

  • Focus on mass production
  • Little care for individual customer needs

Marketing-Centric Era (1970s-1990s):

  • Rise of marketing and branding
  • Customers grouped into broad segments

Customer-Centric Era (2000s-present):

  • Personalised experiences
  • Using technology to understand customers better
  • Building lasting relationships

We've moved from a product-focused approach to a customer-focused one over the decades. For example, Netflix evolved from a DVD-by-mail service to a streaming platform that learns your preferences and recommends shows you'll love.

Watch Martin's Full Keynote at Retail Global Australia

💡Key Components of Customer Centricity

1. Know Your Customer

  • Collect data from all customer interactions
  • Use smart tech to predict what customers want

2. Make It Personal

  • Tailor products and messages to individual preferences
  • Create unique experiences for different customer groups

3. Be Everywhere

  • Provide a smooth experience across all channels (website, app, store)
  • Ensure customers can pick up where they left off, no matter how they interact

4. Empower Your Team

  • Train employees to put customers first
  • Give front-line staff the power to solve problems on the spot

5. Listen and Improve

  • Regularly ask for customer feedback
  • Act quickly on what you learn

6. Change Your Culture

  • Make customer satisfaction a top priority for everyone
  • Celebrate employees who go above and beyond for customers

7. Stand for Something

  • Have a clear purpose beyond making money
  • Show customers you care about the same things they do

Customer centricity involves understanding customers, personalising experiences, being accessible, empowering employees, constantly improving, changing company culture, and aligning with customer values.

- Zappos, the online shoe retailer, is famous for its customer-centric approach. They offer free returns for a full year, and their customer service reps are encouraged to spend as much time as needed to solve customer problems.
Martin Newman's Roadmap to Customer Centricity

Roadmap to Implementing Customer Centricity

1. Get Leaders on the Board

  • Appoint a Customer Centricity expert like Martin Newman
  • Make customer satisfaction a key business goal

2. Map the Customer Journey

  • Identify all the ways customers interact with your business
  • Find and fix pain points in the customer experience

3. Embrace Technology

  • Use customer relationship management (CRM) systems
  • Implement AI for personalised recommendations and service

4. Measure What Matters

  • Track customer loyalty (Net Promoter Score)
  • Monitor customer satisfaction and effort scores
  • Focus on building customer lifetime value

5. Reorganise for Success

  • Create teams focused on improving customer experience
  • Break down barriers between departments

Implementing customer-centricity requires leadership commitment, understanding the customer journey, using technology effectively, measuring the right things, and potentially restructuring the organisation.

Martin Newman - The Consumer Champion

Expert Insight: Martin Newman, The Consumer Champion

Regarding customer centricity, few voices carry as much weight as Martin Newman's. Known as "The Consumer Champion," Martin is a globally renowned authority in Customer Centricity and Customer Experience.

Who is Martin Newman?

Martin has 40+ years of experience in the consumer-facing sector. Revolutionised multichannel operations for luxury brands like Burberry, Ted Baker, and Harrods. He is the founder of The Customer First Group and Customer Service Action.

Author of influential books:

👉Martin's Impact on Customer Centricity

Martin has shaped the consumer-focused landscape through:

  • Board Advisory: Served as a trusted advisor for brands like The Scout Store, Clearpay, White Stuff, and Marketplacer.
  • Global Speaking: Delivered captivating keynotes at prestigious global events.
  • Strategic Consulting: Led strategic sessions for top-tier companies including Toyota, Haleon, Specsavers, Sofology and Meta.
  • Education: Empowers businesses worldwide through his online Mini MBA in Customer Centricity and MBA in a Day workshop.

👉Why Martin Newman's Perspective Matters

Martin's extensive experience across various sectors provides unique insights into customer centricity:

  • Practical Knowledge: His hands-on experience with global brands offers real-world strategies that work
  • Cross-Industry Expertise: From luxury retail to technology, Martin understands customer centricity across diverse sectors
  • Forward-Thinking Approach: His focus on multichannel operations aligns with the modern consumer's expectations
  • Educator and Thought Leader: Through his books and courses, Martin continues to shape the future of customer experience

Martin Newman's expertise in customer centricity, backed by decades of experience and success with global brands, provides valuable insights for businesses looking to put their customers first.

Learn more from the Expert

For those looking to dive deeper into customer centricity, Martin Newman offers:

Overcoming Challenges

  • Protecting Privacy: Balance personalisation with data protection
  • Updating Old Systems: Replace outdated tech that can't keep up
  • Changing Minds: Help staff embrace new ways of working
  • Balancing Short-term and Long-term: Show how customer focus pays off over time
  • Proving Value: Demonstrate how customer-centric initiatives impact the bottom line

Challenges include data privacy, technology updates, cultural change, balancing priorities, and proving ROI.  

Example: Apple faced challenges when introducing its Genius Bar concept. It required significant investment and staff training but ultimately became a key differentiator in customer service.

The Future of Customer Centricity

  • Predicting Needs: Using AI to solve problems before they happen
  • Understanding Emotions: Using tech to gauge and respond to customer feelings
  • Virtual Experiences: Creating immersive product demos and customer support
  • Building Trust: Using blockchain for secure, transparent transactions
  • Going Green: Aligning business practices with customers' environmental values

The future of customer-centricity involves predictive service, emotional understanding, virtual reality, enhanced trust, and sustainability.

Wrapping Up

Customer centricity isn't just a buzzword – it's a powerful way to build a successful, sustainable business. By truly putting customers first, companies can create loyal fans, drive innovation, and stand out in a crowded market.

Remember, it's not about a single grand gesture, but consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations in every interaction. Start small, listen to your customers, and keep improving. Your customers – and your bottom line – will thank you!

Best Regards
- Team Martin Newman